What Should a Cagean Do about Just Intonation: an Introduction to My Writings on Just Intonation (2014/2015)
Table of Frequency Ratios Tunable Using Four or Fewer Pitches (2012)
On "After 'Ohio Impromptu'" and the Use of Interval Resolutions (2011)
Introduction to Reframing: Augmentation and Diminution of Extended Just Intonation Frequency Ratios (2013 [2011])
No. 15/16
Meaningful Scribbles: An Approach to Textual Analysis of Unconventional Notations (2010)
Tradition and Experiment (2009 [2007])
Review: George Lewis, A Power Stronger than Itself (2009)
No. 11
Review: Alex Ross, The Rest is Noise (2008)
No. 10
Logos prior Logos: Logos, Logic, Language (2007)
Unbuttoned Sleeves (2006)
Process writings; co-authored with Simone Forti, Terrence Luke Johnson, and Sarah Swenson |
Playing on the Murky Level: A Philosophical Foundation
for the Study of Meaning in and through Experimental Music/Performance (2004, rev. 2005) |
presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Ethnomusicology, 2004
Creative Musical Processes in the Field: A Model for Intercultural Musical Collaboration as an Alternative to Traditional Fieldwork (2002)
MA thesis in Ethnomusicology, UCLA
This site is dedicated to Douglas C. Wadle's work as a composer and music theorist. For his writings in philosophy, please click here.